Unlock with a gesture.

To unlock any door, hold the Latch App near a device—the app will find the Door and unlock it for you. You can also use the Latch App for Apple Watch, giving you a hands-free and phone-free unlocking option that prioritizes simplicity and flexibility.

Drop everything.

With Doorcodes, you can drop everything and go without worrying if you’ve left your phone or Keycard behind. Find them in the Latch App.

Let people in.

Send a daily or 15-minute Doorcode to friends, family, or services to let them in—no matter where you are. Or if they need it for longer, share access to the Latch App.

Give access to trusted services.

Share access with services you trust, and add personalized instructions so they know exactly what you need.

Peace of mind.

You can view the access histories of guests, property managers, and trusted services who enter your space. Your access history at your home remains private and is never shared with anyone.


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